We exist to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ
in Erath County and around the world
by the power of the Holy Spirit
to the glory of God the Father
We exist to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ
in Erath County and around the world
by the power of the Holy Spirit
to the glory of God the Father
Join Us This Week!
9:00 am Sunday School
(Kids, Youth, and Adult Discipleship Classes)
10:30 am Gathered Worship
Livestream of Gathered Worship available at YouTube.com/RockyPointBaptistChurch
5:00 pm Prayer Service
(Second and Fourth Sunday of Every Month)
(Resuming January 15)
5:00 pm Fellowship Dinner
($2/plate; college students eat free)
6:00 pm Cross Trainers (K–6th) and Youth (7th–12th)
6:15 pm Adult Discipleship Classes
Where We Meet